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Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Marchés - Actualités
Sinclair Pharma | GB0033856740 - SPH | Cotation à la bourse de paris |
Activité : Pharmacie
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09 : 00 17 : 30 Euronext ParisncncncOui
Bourse de paris : Euronext


Sinclair Pharma plc annonce que Dr Reddy's Laboratoires, Inc. devient son partenaire de marketing pour le Sebclair aux ?tats-Unis

HUGIN | 27/09/2007 | 8:32

27 septembre 2007, Godalming, Royaume Uni : Sinclair Pharma plc (" Sinclair ", SPH:L), fabricant de produits pharmaceutiques spécialisés, a annoncé aujourd'hui avoir accordé les droits de licence exclusive pour les États-Unis du Sebclair, son produit contre la dermatite séborrhéique, à Dr Reddy's Laboratories, Inc., filiale de Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Limited (NYSE:RDY). Dr. Reddy's commercialisera ce produit sous un nouveau nom de marque, via sa nouvelle division dermatologie.

Les modalités de ce contrat accordent à Dr Reddy's l'exclusivité aux États-Unis du Sebclair et des déclinaisons de gammes associées pour la période de validité du brevet Sebclair. Dans le cadre de cet accord, Sinclair recevra des paiements échelonnés sur la durée du contrat. Lorsque le produit sera commercialisé, Sinclair percevra des royalties sur les ventes nettes.

Dr Reddy's se concentre tout particulièrement sur son implantation dans le secteur dermatologique aux États-Unis, un marché dont la valeur est estimée à 5 milliards de dollars[i]. Le Sebclair sera un élément clé du portefeuille futur de produits de dermatologie proposés par Dr Reddy. Dr Reddy's prévoit de lancer le Sebclair dans le courant de l'année en mettant en place une nouvelle équipe de commerciaux qui cibleront spécifiquement les dermatologues.

Le Dr. Michael Flynn, PDG de Sinclair Pharma plc, explique : " Ce nouveau contrat particulièrement intéressant pour Sinclair marque le début de la vie commerciale du Sebclair. Dr Reddy's bénéficie d'une solide implantation mondiale, et nous sommes convaincus que le Sebclair lui apporte l'opportunité de concrétiser ses ambitions sur le secteur dermatologique des États-Unis. " Jeffery Wasserstein, vice-président exécutif de Dr Reddy's Laboratoires, ajoute : " Nous sommes ravis de travailler en partenariat avec Sinclair au moment de notre entrée sur le marché dermatologique des États-Unis. "

For further information please contact:

Sinclair Pharma plc

Tel: +44 (0) 1483 410 600

Dr Michael Flynn, CEO

Zoe McDougall, Director of Communications

Capital MS&LMary Clark, Halina Kukula

Tel +44 (0)20 7307 5340

Notes to Editors:

About Seborrheic Dermatitis and Sebclair TM

Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin condition that affects areas of the body with a particularly high concentration of sebaceous glands. This may include the eyebrows, bridge of the nose, naso-labial folds, ears and chest. It manifests as erythema (reddening), which progresses to flakiness and at its most severe, crusting of the skin. Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp is also particularly common, and in its mildest form may be referred to as dandruff.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a common condition characterized by flaky, red skin. It is most common in men and may be present in 5% of the adult population[ii]. In 2006, there were over 1.5 million visits to physicians for seborrheic dermatitis (IMS-NDTI). It is estimated that patients spend over $110 million on prescription products to treat this condition and there is a significant amount spent on Over-the-Counter medications as well.iii

Sebclair(TM) cream is registered in the US and EU and addresses the skin market. Sebclair shampoo, recently registered in the EU, addresses the scalp sector of the market.

Seborrheic dermatitis also often appears as cradle cap in infants of around six months. It usually clears by 18 months but can be a persistent problem during this time. After infancy, the condition is most common in middle age or older people. It may also be associated with a poor diet and obesity, HIV and neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease.

At present there are various approaches to the management of seborrheic dermatitis but there is no 'gold-standard' product. Many of the treatments focus on the potential presence of fungi or other organisms on the surface of the skin, and topical corticosteroids are also frequently employed[iii]. Although topical corticosteroids are commonly used, they are also disliked, as these drugs may cause atrophy of the skin and are usually restricted to short treatment periods, particularly on facial skin[iv]. Emollients, lithium-based and salicylic acid-based creams are considered to improve the condition.

Other seborrheic dermatitis treatments

Seborrheic dermatitis is frequently treated with topical corticosteroids. However, this group of drugs may have unfavourable side effects, especially when used long-term or on sensitive areas of skin such as the face, hands, or on children. These effects vary from mild and reversible thinning, to irreversible telangiectasiae (fine blood vessels becoming visible at the surface of the skin) and striae distensae (marks similar in appearance to 'stretch marks'). Steroids' effectiveness may also become less effective with continued use, which may lead to the escalation to a more potent steroid[v]. There may also be a risk of growth suppression and adrenal suppression in children with the use of topical steroids[vi]. SebclairTM does not contain corticosteroids.

There are also other therapeutic agents that may be used in SD; these include topical antifungal agents, sulfur-sulfacetamide combinations, sulfacetamide, zinc pyrithione and selenium sulfide.

About Sinclair Pharma plc

Sinclair Pharma plc is an international specialty pharmaceutical company. It has a growing sales and marketing operation that is already present in France, Italy, the UK, Spain and Portugal, and a complementary marketing partner network that spans 82 countries.Sinclair has proven expertise in acquiring or developing commercially attractive and undervalued products, registering these products and bringing them to market within a short time frame. The company focuses on niche therapeutic areas and its current portfolio includes products for dermatological conditions and oral health.

"Safe Harbor" Statement under the US Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Some or all of the statements in this document that relate to future plans, expectations, events, performances and the like are forward-looking statements, as defined in the US Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual results of events could differ materially from those described in the forward- looking statements due to a variety of factors.

[i] {2005 :|2005 : }Dermatology market to 2010, Fox Analystics

[ii] Pirkhammer D et al, Brit Journal Dermatology 2000, 143 (5), 964-968iii The Burden of Skin Diseases 2004; Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, September 2006; pp 490-500)

[iii] Tofte SJ, Hanifin JM. Current Management and therapy of atopic dermatitis. J Am Acad Dermatol 2001; 44 (Suppl): S13-16

[iv] Dreno B, Chosidow O, Revuz J et al. Lithium gluconate 8% vs. ketonazole 2% in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis: a multicentre, randomized study. Br J Dermatol 2003; 148: 1230-1236

[v] Atherton DJ, BMJ. Topical Corticosteroids in atopic dermatitis. 2003;327:942-943

[vi] Siklar Z, Bostanci I, Atli O, Dallar Y. Pediatr Dermatol. 2004 Sep-Oct;21(5):561-3

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