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Eurotech : finalisation de l'acquisition de Advanet - r?vision des objectifs strat?giques pour l'ann?e 2007

HUGIN | 02/11/2007 | 15:30

Amaro, le 31 octobre 2007 - Eurotech annonce qu'il a finalisé aujourd'hui l'acquisition de 65 % du capital social de Advanet, dont le siège social est à Okayama au Japon, et ses filiales Spirit 21, Vantech et Advanet R&D (collectivement " le Groupe Advanet ").

Le Groupe Advanet, leader de l'ordinateur embarqué sur le marché japonais, a enregistré pour l'exercice 2007, terminé au 30 avril 2007, un chiffre d'affaires d'environ 5,5 milliards de yens, un EBITDA de 1,1 milliards de yens, soit 20 % du chiffre d'affaires total, et un EBITDA ajusté d'environ 1,5 milliards de yens, soit 27 % du chiffre d'affaires total.

The consideration for the transaction has been set by the parties in the amount of 7.6 billion yen. This amount might be subject to adjustments based on the net financial position and current assets on the closing date, which will have to be verified within 30 days from the closing date. The consideration represents a valuation of the Advanet Group based on a multiple of 8 times the Group's

As announced in the press release of 4 October 2007, the acquisition agreement also provides for a put and call mechanism for the remaining 35% of Advanet's share

Eurotech: review of strategic guidelines for the fiscal year 2007

Eurotech's light of the most updated availableBoard information, decided to review the strategic guidelines of the Group for the fiscal year 2007.

Group's turnover considering the Advanet acquisition, with a growth of about 50% on the former year, compared to the previous budget figure of approximately Euro 100 million.

The restatement is mainly attributable to:

- The delays in the win of some significant US orders related to Ads and Arcom subsidiaries. The impact on turnover referable to this is approximately valuable to the 60% of the total decrease;

- The weakening of the USD that affected the currency translation in the consolidated financial statement of the Group (approximately 62% of the total revenues comes from the US subsidiaries). This impact is valuable in approximately 20% of the total decrease;

- The normal fluctuation in the sales related to the product and market trends of this specific business. This impact is valuable in approximately 20% of the total decrease.

The Gross Profit Margin is predicted to be in line with the guidelines at a level of 50%.

Group's Ebitda expected to be approximately the 2%as at of the total turnover compared to the former target of 12%. Such difference is mainly related to incidence of the operating costs, mostly fixed, on the reduced expected sales and, specifically, to the extra integration costs (attributable to the new acquired companies) and to the enhancement of a wider international organisation.

Eurotech (ETH.MI) is a company active in the research, development, production and marketing of miniaturised computers (NanoPCs) and of computers featuring high-performance computing capability (HPCs).



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