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       19 mai 2024 03:23:44   |      Paris : 03:23   |       Londres : 02:23   |       New York : 21:23   |       Hong Kong : 10:23   |       Tokyo : 11:23
Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Infos boursiere2 - Communiqués
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09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
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Blue Motion Energy a été sélectionnée pour participer à la CleanEquity Monaco 2010

Hugin | 15/02/2010 | 14:40

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

BME, une société de développement d'équipements concernant l'énergie marémotrice, pour produire de l'énergie au moyen des courants océaniques, a été sélectionnée pour participer à la troisième conférence annuelle sur la technologie environnementale, la CleanEquity Monaco 2010, le plus important évènement en matière de technologies vertes et propres de nouvelle génération. La conférence aura lieu les 4 et 5 mars prochain au Sporting d'Hiver à Monaco.

Les partenaires locaux comprennent la Fondation du Prince Albert II de Monaco, la Société des Bains de Mer de Monte-Carlo et la Fondation Philanthropique Stelios. Parmi les participants à cet évenènement 2010 se trouvent Arup, Convington and Buling LLP, le groupe Hugin, Invest Securities, Royal Philips Electronics NV et l'UNEP Fi.
Plenary sessions, led by sector experts, will discuss and identify key industry themes, drivers and constraints, as well as forward looking trends.

After successfully testing on scale, Eric Geutjes, CEO of BME is proud to present its BME Marine Turbine 4 MW and the BME Marine Turbine 60 MW design at CleanEquity. This is a great opportunity for us to present our profitable technology for renewable power generation at large scale by using ocean currents.

Mr. Geutjes will discuss our technology, the possibility of implementing the BME marine tidal system on a global scale and future possibilities.

At CleanEquity Monaco 2010 an expert selection of the world's most inspiring CleanTech companies will be presenting to invited industry-specific financial and strategic investors, policy makers, legislators and media. BME is honoured to be part of the 2010 CleanEquity Conference.

About BME

BME is a new Dutch based company that has taken on the challenge to come up with an innovative system to generate energy from currents that are under the influence of ebb and flood.

BME has developed a Marine Turbine system that makes the generation of energy, by means of tidal currents, economical viable by using seawalls to funnel the currents to a vertically mounted rotor. This way the Blue Motion system can increase the efficiency of the Marine Turbine up to 70 percent and generate 15 MW average and 60 MW maximum. The BME Marine Turbine is current direction independent by capturing the current from all directions, 360 degrees around.

This unique almost permanent operating system (20 hours per day, 365 days a year) is capable of large scale tidal energy production. The Marine Turbines are placed at approximately 20 km from the shore and can generate substantial power, even at locations with a lower flow velocity (min. of 0,3 m/s). It is the second most predictable system for generating energy from renewable resources (1st = Geothermal heat). It does not pollute the horizon and one 60 MW BME Marine Turbine can generate the same amount of energy equal to 25 windmills while using less space.

Investments needed for this system are much lower than the investment needed for a series of windmills generating the same amount of power.

The world is increasingly looking to the ocean as a power source and with this innovative system we come closer to realizing this opportunity.


Feel free to contact one of our representatives:

Eric Geutjes
Mobile: +31653185750
E-mail: [email protected]

Bo Ridder
Project Manager
Mobile +31615004965
E-mail: [email protected]

For more information please go to

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