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Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Infos boursiere2 - Communiqués
Marché financier : EURONEXT (Bourse de paris)
Début de cotation Fin de cotation Place Temps écoulé Temps restant
09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
5 h 54 min 
2 h 35 min
La bourse de Paris est ouverte, il est actuellement 14 : 54


EUROTECH S.p.A : 4,2 millions de dollars de contrats pour la fourniture d'ordinateurs embarqués pour des dispositifs de communication augmentative

Hugin | 20/07/2010 | 13:39

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Le Catalyst LP d'Eurotech aide les personnes atteintes de troubles de l'expression à communiquer grâce aux dispositifs DynaVox® V(TM) et Vmax(TM).

Amaro (Italie), 20 juillet 2010 - Eurotech, premier fournisseur de technologies, produits et systèmes embarqués, a annoncé aujourd'hui la signature de plusieurs contrats avec DynaVox pour la fourniture des ordinateurs embarqués Catalyst LP et Catalyst Module pour les dispositifs AAC (communication augmentative et alternative) DynaVox V, Vmax et Xpress(TM). Le montant total de ces contrats est de 4,2 millions de dollars ; les livraisons sont prévues pour 2010 et 2011.

Last year, DynaVox chose the Eurotech Catalyst Module for their Xpress(TM) speech-generating device. This successful engagement allows DynaVox to leverage Eurotech's previous integration efforts for a faster product development cycle.

DynaVox chose the Eurotech Catalyst LP product based on several factors, including the following:

- Eurotech first to market with new processor technology, Intel® Atom(TM) processor N450 and D510

- New Catalyst LP meets the DynaVox goals of high performance in small form factor

- DynaVox's ability to leverage Catalyst Module design, development and integration expertise from the earlier DynaVox Xpress(TM) speech-generating device project

- Strong relationship and proven support from Eurotech team

"Eurotech was very quick to offer an embedded computer based on Intel's latest processors. With the Catalyst LP, we can update our handheld augmentative communication devices with cutting-edge technology so we can offer even more speech-assistive capabilities in a small form factor product," said Bob Cunningham, Chief Technology Officer for DynaVox. "Working with the Catalyst family of products lets us optimize our engineering resources and build on existing solutions that we know work for our product roadmap."

DynaVox's speech-generating devices help those living with conditions such as autism, ALS, cerebral palsy, stroke, traumatic brain injury or Down syndrome communicate with their loved ones and participate in the educational classroom and in work settings.

"Eurotech significantly improves the time-to-market for our customers by offering the latest processor technology as soon as it hits the market," said Greg Nicoloso, Eurotech CEO. "We have an ongoing relationship with DynaVox, and we were able to meet their product introduction schedule in 2010 by providing multiple versions of the Catalyst LP product with single and dual core technology."

Eurotech is a Microsoft Windows Embedded Gold Partner, and an Associate member of Intel's Embedded and Communications Alliance.

About DynaVox

DynaVox Inc. (Nasdaq:DVOX) is a publicly traded holding company with its headquarters in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, whose primary operating entities are DynaVox Systems LLC and Mayer-Johnson LLC. DynaVox is the leading provider of speech generating devices and symbol-adapted special education software used to assist individuals in overcoming their speech, language and learning challenges. These solutions are designed to help individuals who have complex communication and learning needs participate in the home, classroom and community. Our mission is to enable our customers to realize their full communication and education potential by developing industry-leading devices, software and content and by providing the services to support them. We assist individuals, families, and professionals with an extensive field support organization, as well as centralized technical and reimbursement support. For more information, visit

About Eurotech

Eurotech is a publicly listed global company (ETH.MI) that integrates hardware, software, services, and expertise to deliver embedded computing platforms and sub-systems to leading OEMs, system integrators and enterprise customers for successful and efficient deployment of their products and services. Drawing on concepts of minimalist computing, Eurotech lowers power draw, minimizes physical size and reduces coding complexity to bring sensors, embedded platforms, sub-systems, ready-to-use devices and high performance computers to market, specializing in defense, transportation, industrial and medical segments. By combining domain expertise in wireless connectivity as well as communications protocols, Eurotech architects integrated solutions that simplify data capture, processing and transfer over unified communications networks. Our customers rely on us to simplify their access to state-of-art embedded technologies so they can focus on their core competencies. Learn more about Eurotech at

Company contacts:

Investor relations
Andrea Barbaro
Tel. +39 0433 485411
e-mail: [email protected]

Corporate Press Office
Cristiana della Zonca
Tel. +39 0433 485411
e-mail: [email protected]

International Press Office
Giovanni Sanfelice di Monteforte
Barabino & Partners UK Plc.
53, Davies Street - London W1 K5JH
Tel.: +44 (0)20 71526425
e-mail: [email protected]

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