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Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Infos boursiere2 - Communiqués
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Hugin | 30/08/2010 | 09:58

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En 2011, le prix de 100 00 euros sera attribué à un scientifique pour sa carrière dans la Recherche, l'Innovation et le Progrès dans les Maladies Cardiaques Congénitales Prénatales.

Milan, le 28 août 2010

La sixième édition du Prix International pour la Recherche Scientifique Arrigo Recordati, qui prévoit l'attribution, tous les deux ans, d'un prix de 100 000 euros à un scientifique pour son engagement et pour les résultats obtenus en cardiologie, vient d'être lancée. En 2011, le Prix de cette sixième édition sera attribué à un clinicien ou à un chercheur qui se sera distingué dans la recherche sur les maladies cardiaques congénitales prénatales.

The international award was established in 2000 in memory of the Italian pharmaceutical entrepreneur Arrigo Recordati and aims to promote scientific research in the field of cardiovascular disease.

Arrigo Recordati, who passed away prematurely in 1999, strongly believed in the power of research to drive the development of the pharmaceutical industry and provide products beneficial to public health and individual well being.

"The Arrigo Recordati International Prize for Scientific Research was established to carry on my father's legacy and to inspire scientists and researchers to make important discoveries benefiting people worldwide" stated Giovanni Recordati, his eldest son and current chairman and CEO of Recordati.

Leading International Societies to Generate Nominees for the Prize

More than 200 international societies and organizations specializing in the areas of cardiology and internal medicine, are being invited to nominate candidates that they feel merit the award for lifetime achievement in prenatal congenital heart disease. The Prize is open to scientists of all nationalities who work in institutional settings and are not affiliated with a pharmaceutical company. Nominations may only be submitted by an international society or organization invited to nominate candidates and self-nominations will not be considered.

The deadline for nominations for the 2011 award is January 31, 2011. The winner of the Prize will be announced during the 52nd ESPR (European Society for Paediatric Research) Annual Meeting in Newcastle, Uk, 14-17 October, 2011.

World-Renowned Cardiologists to Select Winner

The 2011 Arrigo Recordati International Prize for Scientific Research Jury is composed of experts who have provided leadership throughout their long careers in the field of cardiology.

Chairman of the Jury is André Bozio, Professor of Cardiology, Claude Bernard University Lyon1, Head of Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Disease Department, Cardiology Hospital Louis Pradel, Hospices civils de Lyon, France. Other Jury members are: Klaus G. Schmidt, Professor of Pediatrics, Director of the Division of Pediatric Cardiology and Pneumology, University Medical Center, Heinrich-Heine-University of Düsseldorf, Germany and Gurleen Sharland Consultant/Reader Fetal Cardiology, Fetal Cardiology Unit, Evelina Children's Hospital, Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.

Prenatal Congenital Heart Disease

Congenital heart diseases are common forms of malformation that are present at birth; these developmental defects result from embryogenetic anomalies occurring during gestational weeks 3 through 8, when major cardiovascular structures develop.

Congenital cardiac defects are associated with significant morbidity and mortality; the alterations involve the structure of the cardiac chambers or the great vessels (sometimes both) and even induce hemodynamic changes, compromising the systemic and pulmonary circulation.

Although a congenital heart disease is the number one cause of infant mortality during the first year of life, not all forms of major heart defects are clinically evident at birth or in the early neonatal period.

Early diagnosis of such babies would allow the prompt administration of an appropriate treatment and improve the prognosis, as well as reducing the morbidity associated with hemodynamic alterations.

Prenatal cardiac lesions may undergo progression in utero such that, with our current technology, they may be indistinguishable from the normal fetal heart early in gestation. Standard prenatal ultrasound may fail to show the presence of congenital heart disease in most fetuses. Thus, the development of adequate means for the diagnosis and observation of prenatal congenital heart disease remains a highly relevant clinical goal.

A correct and accurate prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart disease would have a significant positive impact on the clinical outcome of patients, the incidence of congenital cardiac malformations, the natural history of cardiac defects during gestation, and on the daily counseling for the families that bear the huge burden of their babies' disease.

About Recordati

Recordati, founded in 1926, is a European pharmaceutical group mainly dedicated to the research, development, manufacturing and marketing of pharmaceuticals. Headquartered in Milan, it has operations in the main European countries, but not only. Recordati has been listed on the Italian Stock Exchange since 1984.


For more information on the Arrigo Recordati International Prize, please contact the Organizing Secretariat: AIM GROUP - AIM Congress (Mara Carletti/Dafne Sfoggia) Tel. +39 02 56601.1, Fax. +39 02 56609045 - E-mail: [email protected] or visit

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