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Banca IFIS S.p.A. : Banca IFIS et Banca Popolare di Vicenza renforcent leur accord de collaboration au moyen d'une participation croisée

Hugin | 30/09/2010 | 13:24

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Communiqué de presse

Mestre - Vicenza, le 30 Septembre 2010

Banca IFIS S.p.A. et Banca Popolare di Vicenza ont renforcé leur collaboration en acquérant chacune une participation dans le capital de l'autre.

Banca IFIS a acquis une quote-part des actions ordinaires de Banca Popolare di Vicenza pour un montant d'environ neuf millions d'euros, ce qui correspond à environ 0,2 % du capital social de la Banque " Berican ", alors que Banca Popolare di Vicenza a acheté des actions de Banca IFIS sur le marché pour un montant total d'environ cinq millions d'euros, soit approximativement 1,8 % du capital social de Banca IFIS.

This reinforcement in the relationship between the two banks has taken place following the excellent results achieved nine months on from signing the commercial agreement for the distribution of Banca IFIS's factoring products and services in the 680 branches of the Banca Popolare di Vicenza Group.

For Banca IFIS, from a strategic point of view, this cooperation agreement between banks plays an avant-garde role in the local expansion of the bank which continues to invest in its territorial expansion and in small and medium enterprises.

For the Banca Popolare di Vicenza Group, this reinforcement in the partnership confirms its objective to continue development in the factoring sector, which is believed strategic, also achieving significant growth margins in the near future.

Banca IFIS (ISIN IT0003188064, Bloomberg IF IM, Reuters IF MI) active since 1983 in financially supporting enterprises is, today, the only Italian bank specialising in the activity of financing enterprises' receivables. Listed in the STAR segment of the Italian Stock Exchange since 2004, Banca IFIS operates in a market segment experiencing a high growth rate, especially significant given today's economic context, with a unique business model based on asset-based financing which allows easier access to credit. Banca IFIS, continuously committed to the constant development of new services for lending financial support and managing working capital, allows thousands of enterprises every year to find the answer to their financial needs.

In continuous expansion both in Italy and abroad, the Banca IFIS Group today has 25 branches in Italy, a branch in Paris, a subsidiary in Poland (Warsaw), representative offices in Romania (Bucharest) and Hungary (Budapest) and agreements with over 200 banks worldwide. With more than 100 dedicated and in-house trained sales staff, the Banca IFIS Group has the most complete and specialized sales network in Italy which guarantees the advantage of direct and personalized relationships with over 2,500 enterprises. At 31/12/2009, the turnover (value of receivables managed) equalled 3.5 billion Euro, recording an annual weighted average growth rate in the last 10 years of 25.8%; net banking income stood at 80.8 million Euro; net profit amounted to 17.2 million Euro and default loans / total loan commitments equalled 1.6%.

The Banca Popolare di Vicenza Group, with over 5,600 employees and 680 branches, is the ninth ranked Italian bank. Founded in Vicenza in 1866 as the first credit society in Veneto, the Beric banking institution is strongly rooted in the North East and is also widely present in the North West, in Tuscany (with its subsidiary Cariprato) and in Southern Italy (with Banca Nuova).

Press contacts:

| Banca IFIS S.p.A. | Banca Popolare di Vicenza |
| Communications Office | Press Office |
| Mara Di Giorgio | Valerio Vago |
| Tel +39 041 5027623 | Tel. +39 0444 339489 |
| Fax:+39 0415027555 | Cell. +39335458757 |
| Cell: +39 335 7737417 | [email protected] |
| [email protected] | |
| | |
| | |
| Weber Shandwick | Advisory | Paolo Galimberti |
| | Tel. +39 0444 339809 |
| Giorgio Catalano 334.6969275 | Cell. +393346644065 |
| [email protected] | [email protected] |
| | |
| Linda Carcione 335 6111390 | |
| [email protected] | |

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